Mass Effect 3 Casual Outfits Coalesced High Quality
Mass Effect 3 Casual Outfits Coalesced High Quality
How to Unlock Additional Casual Outfits in Mass Effect 3
Mass Effect 3 is a sci-fi role-playing game that lets you customize your character's appearance, including their casual outfits. Casual outfits are the clothes that your character wears when they are not in combat, such as on board the Normandy, on the Citadel, or during certain cutscenes. In this article, we will show you how to unlock more casual outfits in Mass Effect 3 by modifying a single line in the Coalesced.bin file.
Coalesced.bin is a file that contains various settings and parameters for the game, such as graphics, audio, gameplay, and user interface options. By using a Coalesced editor, you can edit this file and change some of the values to unlock hidden features or tweak the game to your liking. However, editing this file is done at your own risk, as it may cause errors or glitches in the game, or even get you banned from online services. Make sure you backup your original Coalesced.bin file before making any changes.
To unlock more casual outfits in Mass Effect 3, you need to follow these steps:
Download a Coalesced editor from here.
Locate your Coalesced.bin file in your Mass Effect 3 installation folder. It should be under Programs\\OriginGames\\Mass Effect 3\\BioGame\\CookedPCConsole.
Open the Coalesced editor and load the Coalesced.bin file.
Browse to BioGame.ini\\sfxgame\\sfxplayercustomization\\casualappearances = (multiple).
Click on any entry and look for the line that says plotflag. If it says anything other than -1, it means that the outfit is not unlocked. Change it to -1 to unlock it.
Save the file and exit the editor.
Launch Mass Effect 3 and enjoy your new casual outfits.
Some of the casual outfits that you can unlock by this method are:
The N7 Hoodie: A black hoodie with a red N7 logo on the chest.
The Kasumi DLC Dress: A red dress that Kasumi wears in her loyalty mission in Mass Effect 2.
The Tuxedo: A black suit with a white shirt and a bow tie.
The Miranda Rebreather Helmet: A helmet that Miranda wears when she infiltrates the Horizon facility in Mass Effect 2.
You can also add accessories to your casual outfits by editing the shoulderappearances, armappearances, and legappearances lines in the same section of the Coalesced.bin file. For example, you can add sunglasses, gloves, boots, or belts to your outfit. You can find some examples of accessories codes here.
We hope this article helped you unlock more casual outfits in Mass Effect 3 and make your character look more stylish. Have fun playing dress-up!
If you want to see more examples of casual outfits that you can unlock in Mass Effect 3, you can check out this video that shows some of the outfits for female Shepard. You can also browse this Reddit thread that discusses how to use casual outfits as armor in Mass Effect 2 and 3.
However, be aware that using casual outfits as armor may cause some graphical glitches or clipping issues, as they are not designed to be worn in combat. You may also encounter some problems with cutscenes or dialogue, as some of them are scripted to show your character in their default outfit. For example, if you wear the Kasumi DLC dress as armor, you may see your character wearing it during the final assault on the Cerberus base, which may look out of place.
Therefore, we recommend that you use casual outfits only for non-combat situations, such as exploring the Normandy or the Citadel, or during certain romance scenes. You can switch between your casual and combat outfits by using the wardrobe terminal in your cabin on the Normandy.
We hope you enjoyed this article and learned something new about Mass Effect 3. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading! 061ffe29dd