[S5E3] Larry's Wife
Lily's (Aubrey Anderson-Emmons) cat, Larry, has been missing for few days and Lily starts asking where he is. Mitchell and Cameron do not want to upset her, so they tell her that Larry will get back home, despite the fact that they are convinced that Larry is dead. Mitchell disagrees with Cameron about lying to Lily and that they have to tell her the truth. Later, when Cameron tries to tell Lily that Larry is not coming back, he tells her the reason: he got married and left with his wife. While saying that, Larry is back home and he changes his story by telling Lily that Larry's wife died. Cameron plans a funeral for Larry's wife but goes overboard and it ends up being a disaster, making Cameron have second thoughts about planning the wedding alone.
[S5E3] Larry's Wife
Phil seems to have found his wheelhouse in real estate: recently divorced women. But it's taking up a lot of his time. Meanwhile, Luke invites his buddies over for a high-stakes poker game in the basement; Gloria thinks Joe might be cursed; and Cam holds an elaborate pet funeral for Larry's (their cat) made-up wife, all for Lily's sake.
Meanwhile, Cameron, who has taken charge of the wedding much to Mitchell's relief, has to explain to Lily what happened to Larry, their cat. Lily thinks he died, but Cam tries to tell her Larry got married to another cat and won't be coming back because married cats never visit their former homes. This is, of course, right when Larry decides to show up, so Cameron now has to tell Lily that Larry's new wife died. He would have told Lily they got divorced, but Lily was already freaking out Cam and Mitchell might get divorced someday. Cameron then has to plan an entire funeral and bury the imaginary wife of Larry in the backyard. Fortunately, there were plenty of guests (both human and animal) on hand to pay their respects. Cameron was even able to get a church choir and a bagpiper there. All he needed to do was to get Dylan (yes, Haley's ex) to dig a hole in the backyard. (Dylan was relieved he was only burying a cat.) Sounds simple enough...until Dylan hit a pipe and soaked the entire backyard. Now all of the guests and their animals were in the house and it was a zoo. Literally. Cameron was completely freaked out and really needed Mitchell there. Thankfully, Mitchell learned he can't just let others do the work. He thought letting Cameron do everything ("I think big, then I whittle down.) would work. But his OCD in cleaning his office...even getting trapped inside the air conditioning vents when trying to dust them...he decides he needs some say in their wedding planning, which Cameron was delighted to give him.
Phil seems to have found his wheelhouse in real estate - recently divorced women - but it's taking up a lot of his time. Meanwhile, Luke invites his buddies over for a high-stakes poker game in the basement; Gloria think baby Joe might be cursed; and Cam holds an elaborate pet funeral for Larry the cat's made-up wife -- all for Lily's sake.
At the theater, Will and Ellie meet Vic, the boxing coach, and his wife. Matthew, the troubled young man whom Will convinced Vic to take in, is also there with some friends. Betsey tries to flirt with Will while selling concessions, and Matthew does the same with Ellie, but it just seems to draw Will and Ellie closer. Suddenly, the film stops. Betsey goes to check on Wyatt and screams.
Phil has tapped into a new real estate segment - recently divorced women - but he annoys Claire as he makes himself available to them 24/7. Meanwhile, Gloria thinks baby Joe might have the mark of the devil, and Cameron gets carried away as he plans a pet funeral for Larry the cat's made-up wife.
This week's Grantchester begins with a family christening. It's bittersweet since last week ended with Will and his mother officially estranged. Once again, Vic at the boxing studio steps up with the advice. He suggests a date to the movies; he'll bring his wife Marie (Sandra Huggett), and Will will take Ellie. The boys from the studio come along as well, including Matthew and Lucas. The movie is interrupted, though, when the reel suddenly ends, and then by cigarette girl Betsey Granger (Zoë Tapper) finding the projectionist murdered in the booth.
In the Ice King's tale, the Ice King announces to the penguins that they will have a 'New Mommy,' which is his foot that he drew a face on. He gives "her" a wedding ring and the penguins drink his "good luck" tears, but he slaps Gunter away from him because Gunter was on a no-salt diet. Later Ice King and his "wife" are sitting on the window together when Ice King sees and falls in love with his other foot that he also drew a face on. Ring finger is the alternate theme for this grayble.
Junior briefly leans over the side of a bridge, apparently contemplating suicide, then continues walking aimlessly until he is spotted by police who take him home and scoff when he claims to be Corrado Soprano. The cops return him to Janice and Bobby, then ask to see his wallet and are surprised to find out he is who he claimed to be. Janice and Bobby later inform Tony of Junior's worsening condition, but Tony is dismissive as he's still bitter about the varsity athlete comments. This leads to a heated confrontation between Tony and Janice, in which Tony provokes Janice into attacking him and orders Bobby to control his wife before he can hope to take on any new responsibilities as an earner.
The series is premised on a self-made merchant, Michael Richard Kyle (Damon Wayans), who owns a trucking company and brings up his family in the suburbs of Stamford, Connecticut. He is married to Janet Kyle, typically referred to as "Jay" (Tisha Campbell-Martin), who had been a housewife but joined the workforce in the pilot (but decided to become a homemaker once again after she was fired from her job in the season two episode "Jay Gets Fired"). Michael and Jay have three children: Michael Kyle, Jr., usually called simply "Junior" (George O. Gore II), their underachieving and not-very-bright son and oldest child who Michael and Jay had when they both were 17-years-old; Claire (Jazz Raycole, later Jennifer Freeman), their oldest daughter and middle child who is a typical teenager that is often self-absorbed; and precious youngest child Kady (Parker McKenna Posey).
At the show, policy is that no cell phones be allowed inside. When Blair arrives, she checks in her phone and demands an employee show her where to check in for modeling. The employee, startled by Blair, accidentally turns Charlie's phone in without a name attached to it. Diana and Nate arrive at the party, and they spot the senator Nate is supposed to interview. She reminds him it's a lifestyle piece and encourages him to ask about his and his wife's favorite restaurants, vacations, and to definitely ask about their recent trip to Mykonos. Backstage, Blair spots Charlie. She asks what she's doing there, and Charlie admits she doesn't know but feels like Alice. She also tells Blair that she'll be leaving right after the fashion show and going back to LA since Carol doesn't want her in New York. Blair advises her that she might have a few things to hold over her mother's head, and Charlie realizes she does. When she goes to meet her escort, Blair tells Charlie that it's her life and to do what she wants. While interviewing the senator, Nate accidentally reveals his affair to his wife. She announce she's divorcing him, and the angry senator tells Nate he thought he was the nice one in his family. Nate, suddenly seeing Diana recording the interview, realizes she set him up to reveal the affair. Lily and Rufus arrive at the party, although Lily can't help but notice the whispers and stares behind her back. Rufus assures her that she served her time and has earned the right to move on to a new chapter. The show begins, and Charlie is soon face to face with Rufus and Lily. She begs them not to tell Carol she's there, and Lily tells her that she can tell her herself as Carol emerges from the crowd. When Blair walks, Dan takes over as her escort to confront her about the test. He brings out the ripped up results, which Dorota found and taped back together, and the two argue. The argument only ends when Blair shoves him into a waiter, causing a scene. Nate confronts Diana, and she explains that she wants to launch a tabloid, not a basic newspaper. He accidentally gives her the idea to take everyone's phones to get gossip from, and she tells him to take a risk. He skeptically tells her to meet her at the office in twenty minutes, before piling the phones to take, however, he leaves behind his friend's phones. Backstage, Carol confronts Ivy/Charlie about coming back. Charlie says in all honesty, it's her decision because she can always go to the police and tell them how Carol paid her to pretend to be Charlie to get access to her trust fund. She informs Carol that she came from nothing and that the Van Der Woodsen/Rhodes family have been nicer to her than her real family ever was. She threatens that if Carol tries to take her down, she's taking her with her. Outside, Dan and Blair argue once again over Blair opening the results. He admits that he's been using her problems to avoid dealing with his own, and she admits that she turned to Dan because she knew he would help her no matter what. He explains that when Georgina showed up pregnant (in Last Tango, Then Paris), the last thing he wanted to be was a father but when Milo was born, he fell in love with him. Blair asks if she opens the results, if he'll be able to deal with his problems, and he says if she can do it so can he. He leaves her alone to open the envelope, and she finally does.
Jake is a very competent detective with an incredibly immature, yet charming personality. He often butts heads with authority and teases his partner, and later wife, Amy Santiago. He has trouble expressing his emotions, preferring to crack jokes and deflect with humor, but he usually comes around to talking about how he's feeling. He is extremely intelligent and calculating, yet his wits are most often channeled into coming up with clever wordplay instead of more detail-oriented work. He is also shown as somewhat unorganized and irresponsible, being in severe debt due to poor financial choices. As the show progresses, however, he is shown to be much more responsible. 041b061a72