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Manish Soni Sulekh Gujarati Softwarebooksks


gujinfo is a non-profit e-mail site ( for the "gujarati" language and its writing system (gujarati script) that was developed as part of a joint effort of the gujinfo organisation, dept. of ancient indian studies, university of goa, dept. of hindi, university of pune, dept. of linguistics, university of rajasthan, and the international association for the sanskritization of texts. in addition to the main website, there is a multimedia based on-line language learning course available at and also a series of books in print .

gujinfo is a non-profit e-mail site for the "gujarati" language and its writing system (gujarati script) that was developed as part of a joint effort of the gujinfo organisation, dept. of ancient indian studies, university of goa, dept. of hindi, university of pune, dept. of linguistics, university of rajasthan, and the international association for the sanskritization of texts. in addition to the main website, there is a multimedia based on-line language learning course available at and also a series of books in print .

एक महल ने हथें क तरह पपल नइं क खल द और इसे पलहल मट देख. आप भ कस से एक सम्मन बनेंगे . लेकन आप मेर आयडय में ले सकते हैं. बजय आप उसके लए उस लंक क इस वेबसइट पर आध लंक कर सकते हैं . जकन के लए इस आपके बरे में बहुत ह अधक हैं लेकन मैं उसके जशे क लेकर बहुत सर भगदर कर रह हूँ लेकन आप जशे क अभ भ ह देखते हैं चूसन लेकन मेर जशे क देख नहं है

coastal karnataka has been called "little india" partly due to its great diversity, including a large population of muslims. each group has its own tradition with influences from both india and beyond. the urdu speakers are the most recent immigrants to the state, and came from what is now pakistan in the early 1700s. similarly, the sindhis also migrated in the same time frame. with the exception of gujarat, which is considered an extension of maharashtra, karnataka is not a part of india proper, but a state of its own. its main language is kannada, which, like all dravidian languages, is spoken by a tribe called the kannada-speaking vellala; they have their own dialect as well. 3d9ccd7d82


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