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Hast Rekha Shastra In Marathi Pdf 20l: A Guide to Palm Reading and Predicting Your Future

Hast Rekha Shastra, or palmistry, is an ancient Indian art of reading the lines and marks on the palm of a person. It is believed that by studying the palm, one can learn about one's personality, health, wealth, love, marriage, career and destiny. Palmistry is based on the four elements of nature: earth, fire, air and water. Each element corresponds to a type of palm shape, finger length, skin texture and line pattern.

In this article, we will explore some of the basic aspects of Hast Rekha Shastra in Marathi language, and how you can download a PDF file of 20 pages that contains detailed information and illustrations of palm reading. You will also learn how to identify some of the important lines on your palm, such as the life line, the fate line, the heart line, the head line, the sun line and the money line. You will also discover what these lines mean for your future and fortune.

How to Download Hast Rekha Shastra In Marathi Pdf 20l

If you are interested in learning more about Hast Rekha Shastra in Marathi language, you can download a PDF file of 20 pages that contains comprehensive and easy-to-understand information and images of palm reading. This PDF file is available for free on the internet, and you can access it by clicking on this link: This link will take you to a website called, which is a platform for sharing articles on various topics. You can find the PDF file at the end of the article titled "àààààµààà ààààà àààà ààà àààààà ààààà àààà ààààààààààààààà àààà àààà àªààààààà àààààà" (What do the lines on your palm tell you Learn some basic things about palmistry). You can either read the article online or download it as a PDF file by clicking on the download button.

How to Read Your Palm

Before you start reading your palm, you need to know which hand to look at. According to Hast Rekha Shastra, the hand that you use more often is called the active hand, and it shows your current and future situation. The other hand is called the passive hand, and it shows your potential and innate qualities. For example, if you are right-handed, your right hand is your active hand and your left hand is your passive hand. If you are left-handed, it is the opposite.

Next, you need to identify your palm type based on the four elements of nature. The four types are:

Earth: People with earth palms have square or rectangular palms with short fingers and thick skin. They are practical, realistic, hard-working and reliable.

Fire: People with fire palms have long palms with short fingers and smooth skin. They are passionate, energetic, ambitious and confident.

Air: People with air palms have square or rectangular palms with long fingers and dry skin. They are intelligent, curious, sociable and creative.

Water: People with water palms have oval or round palms with long fingers and soft skin. They are emotional, intuitive, compassionate and artistic.

After determining your palm type, you can look at the major lines on your palm. These are:

Life line: This line curves around the base of your thumb and indicates your vitality, health and longevity.

Fate line: This line runs from the base of your palm to the middle of your palm and indicates your career path, success and obstacles.

Heart line: This line runs from the edge of your palm under your pinky finger to the area below your index finger or middle finger and indicates your love life, emotions and relationships.

Head line: This line runs from the edge of your palm under your index finger to the area below your ring finger or little finger and indicates your a474f39169


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